
Sunday, November 28, 2010


I feel I have gained so much by completing the Web 2.0 course. It opened my mind to many new ways of thinking and interacting with children and teachers. I feel like I have explored such a broad range of areas, and that some were conceptually harder to grasp than others, that I would like to revisit these again in more depth to feel more comfortable.

Its been interesting for me as a learner to see minor changes, far to go, in my attitude and approach to some of the topics. I was very tentative and somewhat apprehensive in the use of these web tools as being a typical teacher, I felt embarrassed that I wasn't totally in control and knew it all. I had a realisation that while I felt a good teacher that I'd neglected this area somewhat because it wasn't my natural bent and only now had time with a growing family to give some time to this particular area. As my knowledge and confidence grows, I can see wider applications for these tools in my experiences both professionally and personally.

I also teach a young grade where I struggled to see much relevance in some of the web2 tools but can see through the many examples I've explored that there are many opportunites for them too.

I commented upon Carole's Day blog when looking at Delicious

The Blooms Digital Taxonomy is a helpful guide when planning programs for teaching skills and letting children take control of their own learning.

In the early stage of this course, I kept trying to place the ideas in a 2D map and realised as the course continued to rid myself of this notion and open my mind to a new dimension. I broke through the wall and freed myself of these mental straight jackets of a previous era and then the concepts began to take a life of their own, some having more appeal and relevance than others.

I love the notion of learning "anything, anywhere, anytime", as that's how we now live our busy lives. I love the networking of ideas with anyone and the opportunities this allows. The appropriate use of the Web 2 tools will enable our children to take themselves in directions beyond their and our expectations.

Thank you to Amanda who led our group with encouragement and patience and to my co workers for their sharing of ideas along the way.
Very pleased to have taken this course as it has changed aspects of my life and inspired me onwards and upwards.
Janine O'Rourke

Module 10 Wiki and Nings

This topic of educational learning communities is an interesting and valuable one. It opens up literally, the world in conference and exchange of ideas and opinions. I can see that this wealth of knowledge would add to one's experience professional knowledge.

I could see possibilites in the use of a Wiki in group collaboration. It would be valuable on a sporting committee that I'm involved with as we throw around ideas on various topics with the one page being updated by many, instead of the many emails that you are copied into and have to read through from the group.

Web 2 can assist children to be creative learners, applying their ideas in story telling is one way. The children in this type of learning looked highly motivated and sophisticated in the various skills and knowledge they apply. Children take all they learn and working collaboratively create pieces of work that show their talents and understandings in an entertaining way that can be shared with others. There are many more dimensions to their learning that are relevant in this technological age.

Monday, November 22, 2010


This looked like an interesting concept, Scootle. I thought the sharing of ideas, lessons and comments was really exciting and relevant and would be a fabulous resource for professionsla development. I looked at Teacher ideas-Shelley Jenkinson and her site "going Placea". The maps, resources and children's resulting work looked like it would make for interesting learning experiences. I had trouble gaining access to this site as I couldn't log in. I tried to send an email to a Catholic Education represented that was on the list but it wouldn't send. I will pursue this with our IT rep. Amanda as I could see this site as one i'd like to go further with.

Social Networking
The Wikipedia definition was interesting in the depth of sites and their history. It has inspired me to go see the founders movie that is presently showing.
I learnt the difference between social networking (single user) and online learning community (use with a group). The warnings were a timely reminder, as I have only recently jouined Facebook, partially as aresult of this course.

Second Life

That looks like too much fun! I have heard of people who have become obsessed with this phenomenon. I'd like to see more examples which would be of educational benefit.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Module 8 Google Reader

I found the creation of a google reader account another way of locating and storing information in a convenient location where I can access it wherever and whenever. The suggested sites and their regular updates should keep you well informed. Now having an Iphone and often on the go, google reader would be very convenient for professional and personal reading.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Module 7 Building online Communities

Created a delicious account but had difficulty adding bookmarks to the tool bar.

Module 6 Creating and communicating on line

I love mind maps and being a visual learner they are a simple way of expressing interdependence. I tried to do a family tree first as that was a base from which this concept was relevant to me.
Created a glogster account, which was fun making the wall and adding bits and pieces. Liked the idea that you can create a whole class set of accounts. It would be good for children to write reflections and share ideas and experiences on this page.

Module 5 Podcasts and Vodcasts

Podcasts are probably more familiar to me as I listen to 702 radio quite a bit. It is great to review something at your own time if you have missed it. Radio National is a good site especially to learn about podcasts. ABC and CSIRO have some good educational programs that would be beneficial for teaching in the classroom. For the infants classes the Audio stories for children are another good resource, especially as we are trying to enhance their listening skills.

Less familiar is vodcast, but it is just a podcast with a video.

iTunes are a brilliant invention. We recently had an assembly where I needed a hymn from long ago, which no one seemed to have any more. I searched on iTunes and didn't locate it but found it on YouTube. It really enhanced the performance as I was going to have to sing without music. We have used it also embedded them in our flipcharts for religion and HSIE.

Module 4 Flickr

That has been fun mastering flickr and adding in several photos. I found the videos seemed to take a long time and haven't had much success. Perhaps I was just a little too impatient.

I could see that this resource would be useful when sharing with family and friends, especially overseas.

This would also be useful with my kinder class when we did a unit on Steve Parish and asked them to contribute a photo of their own in this vein. Here it could be viewed by the entire grade.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This concept of collaborative sharing and editing of documents will be the next big thing. I can see many valuable uses for this at school and play. I wish this was available to the Athletics committee I belong, as it would have eliminated several hundred emails where everyone would add there "valuable" opinion recopied in its entirety each time.

As Amanda said about the report writing use of google docs, it would help not only stage Maths/English but where I job share too. We have gone to many lengths over the years each careful to add our comments so not to eliminate the others changes. This would really be good for us as we could collaborate our ideas at home but even together. Over the years our ideas and opinions on our children have been so alligned that this would be reassuring to see that backed up on a document as we can't always confer on each detail.

And anything that reduces meeting times-must be good!
I'd love to see it in use in an older class in all its glory.

Until the next exciting adventure.
Cheers Janine


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Module 2

Having not really read many blogs, a blog novice, I feel a little strange writing my reflections. Unaccustomed to public blogging -it feels a little uncomfortable, like wearing that new outfit that you were sure was a stunner in the shop changeroom but now feels a little skimp!

I suppose it's cheaper than therapy!
Yes, you can see I navigated module 2 to this point and I should not have had that second glass of red before writing this blog entry.
Well this has been interesting getting to this stage. I think I am enjoying all this and I have certainly received some surprised reactions from teenage daughters and IT husband.

The first module with all its videos inspired me to advance into the Web 2.0 world. The range of tools some known and others new, made me realise I've been spending far too much time cooking, cleaning, working and talking face to face when there was a parallel world that could take me away from it all!

So I'm dipping my toe in here, don't swamp me yet!! And have those life rafts maintained.