
Sunday, November 28, 2010


I feel I have gained so much by completing the Web 2.0 course. It opened my mind to many new ways of thinking and interacting with children and teachers. I feel like I have explored such a broad range of areas, and that some were conceptually harder to grasp than others, that I would like to revisit these again in more depth to feel more comfortable.

Its been interesting for me as a learner to see minor changes, far to go, in my attitude and approach to some of the topics. I was very tentative and somewhat apprehensive in the use of these web tools as being a typical teacher, I felt embarrassed that I wasn't totally in control and knew it all. I had a realisation that while I felt a good teacher that I'd neglected this area somewhat because it wasn't my natural bent and only now had time with a growing family to give some time to this particular area. As my knowledge and confidence grows, I can see wider applications for these tools in my experiences both professionally and personally.

I also teach a young grade where I struggled to see much relevance in some of the web2 tools but can see through the many examples I've explored that there are many opportunites for them too.

I commented upon Carole's Day blog when looking at Delicious

The Blooms Digital Taxonomy is a helpful guide when planning programs for teaching skills and letting children take control of their own learning.

In the early stage of this course, I kept trying to place the ideas in a 2D map and realised as the course continued to rid myself of this notion and open my mind to a new dimension. I broke through the wall and freed myself of these mental straight jackets of a previous era and then the concepts began to take a life of their own, some having more appeal and relevance than others.

I love the notion of learning "anything, anywhere, anytime", as that's how we now live our busy lives. I love the networking of ideas with anyone and the opportunities this allows. The appropriate use of the Web 2 tools will enable our children to take themselves in directions beyond their and our expectations.

Thank you to Amanda who led our group with encouragement and patience and to my co workers for their sharing of ideas along the way.
Very pleased to have taken this course as it has changed aspects of my life and inspired me onwards and upwards.
Janine O'Rourke

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