
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This concept of collaborative sharing and editing of documents will be the next big thing. I can see many valuable uses for this at school and play. I wish this was available to the Athletics committee I belong, as it would have eliminated several hundred emails where everyone would add there "valuable" opinion recopied in its entirety each time.

As Amanda said about the report writing use of google docs, it would help not only stage Maths/English but where I job share too. We have gone to many lengths over the years each careful to add our comments so not to eliminate the others changes. This would really be good for us as we could collaborate our ideas at home but even together. Over the years our ideas and opinions on our children have been so alligned that this would be reassuring to see that backed up on a document as we can't always confer on each detail.

And anything that reduces meeting times-must be good!
I'd love to see it in use in an older class in all its glory.

Until the next exciting adventure.
Cheers Janine


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Module 2

Having not really read many blogs, a blog novice, I feel a little strange writing my reflections. Unaccustomed to public blogging -it feels a little uncomfortable, like wearing that new outfit that you were sure was a stunner in the shop changeroom but now feels a little skimp!

I suppose it's cheaper than therapy!
Yes, you can see I navigated module 2 to this point and I should not have had that second glass of red before writing this blog entry.
Well this has been interesting getting to this stage. I think I am enjoying all this and I have certainly received some surprised reactions from teenage daughters and IT husband.

The first module with all its videos inspired me to advance into the Web 2.0 world. The range of tools some known and others new, made me realise I've been spending far too much time cooking, cleaning, working and talking face to face when there was a parallel world that could take me away from it all!

So I'm dipping my toe in here, don't swamp me yet!! And have those life rafts maintained.